The Tower today

For the Swiss Province the Tower is a place where outside meets inside: people come here into the homely rooms, leaving their daily life for group meetings, meditation, Spiritual Exercises in daily life etc., which the Sisters organise.
History of the Metzilten-Tower
Stockalper bequeathed the Metzilten Tower to the first four Ursulines in Brig. The tower is a six-floored imposing building at the upper end of the old town in Brig.
Established owners during the course of time
Kaspar Metzilten (1526 Head of Valaisan state):
Incription on ceiling beams on the third upper floor.
The noble von Curten:
Inscription on ceiling beams on the north-room of first upper floor
Bartolomäus Perrig and Cäcilia von Riedmatten:
Inscription on ceiling beams in the south-room of the first upper floor (1658)
Inscription on ceiling beams in the north-room of the second upper floor (1659)
Kaspar Jodok von Stockalper (1609 - 1691):
He bequeathed the Metzilten?Tower to the Sisters in 1662
The Sisters of St. Ursula:
The Tower has formed part of the estate of the St. Ursula Convent since 1662. It is the oldest part of the whole of the property forming the Convent today.