The Tower today

For the Swiss Province the Tower is a place where outside meets inside: people come here into the homely rooms, leaving their daily life for group meetings, meditation, Spiritual Exercises in daily life etc., which the Sisters organise.
History of the Metzilten-Tower
Stockalper bequeathed the Metzilten Tower to the first four Ursulines in Brig. The tower is a six-floored imposing building at the upper end of the old town in Brig.
Established owners during the course of time
Kaspar Metzilten (1526 Head of Valaisan state):
Incription on ceiling beams on the third upper floor.
The noble von Curten:
Inscription on ceiling beams on the north-room of first upper floor
Bartolomäus Perrig and Cäcilia von Riedmatten:
Inscription on ceiling beams in the south-room of the first upper floor (1658)
Inscription on ceiling beams in the north-room of the second upper floor (1659)
Kaspar Jodok von Stockalper (1609 - 1691):
He bequeathed the Metzilten?Tower to the Sisters in 1662
The Sisters of St. Ursula:
The Tower has formed part of the estate of the St. Ursula Convent since 1662. It is the oldest part of the whole of the property forming the Convent today.
Read History of the Metzilten-Tower here --»»